

Composition, structure and packing

Coated tablets greenish-yellow, round, brilliant.

1 tab. deproteinized hemoderivate from the blood of calves 200 mg.

Excipients: Cellulose, povidone (K90), magnesium stearate, talc.

The composition of the shell: sucrose, titanium dioxide, quinoline yellow aluminum lacquer, wax mountain glycol, povidone (K30), macrogol (6000), acacia gum, gipromellozy phthalate, diethyl phthalate, talc.

Clinico-pharmacological group: The drug, activates metabolism in tissues, improves trophic and stimulating the regeneration process.

Pharmacological action

The drug, activates metabolism in tissues, which reduces tissue hypoxia, improves trophic and stimulating the regeneration process. Represents hemoderivate, which is prepared by dialysis and ultrafiltration (penetrating compound with a molecular weight less than 5000 daltons).

Positively affect the transport and disposal of glucose, stimulates oxygen consumption (which leads to stabilization of the plasma membrane of cells during ischemia and reduced formation of lactate) having thus antihypoxic action. Actovegin not only increases the intracellular content of glucose, but also improves oxidative metabolism, thereby improving the energy supply of cells, as evidenced by the increase in the concentration of direct carriers of free energy such as ATP, ADP, phosphocreatine, and amino acids such as glutamate, aspartate and GABA. When violations of metabolism and blood supply of the brain, such as the syndrome of cerebral insufficiency (dementia), worsening of glucose transport across the BBB and its utilization by cells.

Also reduces activity of the PDB and the concentration of acetylcholine.

Application Actovegin contributes to the normalization of these indicators, improves transport and disposal of glucose, with the observed increase in oxygen consumption. It is shown that Actovegin in the same manner and operates with the peripheral (arterial, venous) blood circulation disorders and related implications of these disorders (arterial angiopathy, ulcerative lesions of the lower extremities) as well as the application to accelerate wound healing.

In ulcers of different etiologies, trophic disorders (bedsores), burns and radiation injuries Actovegin improves not only morphological but also biochemical parameters of granulation, for example, increasing the concentration of DNA, hemoglobin, and hydroxyproline. Effect Actovegin begins to show, not later than 30 minutes after ingestion and reaches a maximum after an average of 3 h (2-6 h).


With the help of pharmacokinetic methods impossible to study the pharmacokinetic characteristics (absorption, distribution, excretion) of active ingredient of the product Actovegin, because it consists only of the physiological components that are normally present in the body. So far not found to reduce the effectiveness of pharmacological hemoderivate in patients with altered pharmacokinetics (including with hepatic or renal failure, metabolic changes associated with old age, in connection with the peculiarities of metabolism in newborns).

in the complex therapy of metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain (the various forms of cerebral circulation insufficiency, dementia, traumatic brain injury);
peripheral (arterial and venous), circulatory disorders and their consequences (angiopathy, trophic ulcers).

Dosage regimen

Assign to 1-2 pi. 3 times per day before meals. Pills do not chew, washing it down with a little water. Duration of treatment is 4-6 weeks.

Side effect

Allergic reactions: urticaria, edema, drug fever.

Hypersensitivity to the drug.

Precautions should be prescribed the drug in heart failure II-III stage, pulmonary edema, oliguria, anuria, overhydration, diabetes mellitus, hyperglycemia.

Pregnancy and lactation

Use of the drug Actovegin during pregnancy and lactation period allowed.

Application for violations of renal function

Precautions should be prescribed the drug if oliguria, anuria.


With the development of allergic reactions reception Actovegin should be discontinued. If necessary, a standard therapy of allergic reactions (antihistamines and / or MCS).


Information about overdose Actovegin is not provided.

Drug Interactions

Drug Interactions drug Actovegin is not installed.

Terms and Conditions of storage

The drug should be kept in the dark, away from children at or above 25 ° C. Shelf life - 3 years.

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