

Structure and Composition Bellasthesinum 

Extract of belladonna deep (1:10) - 15 mg of benzocaine - 300 mg.

Other ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, sodium croscarmellose, calcium stearate, kopovidon, mannitol.

Pharmacological action

Bellastezin - the combined product, which includes an extract of belladonna, and benzocaine. Providing analgesic and antispasmodic effect.

Analgesic effect is caused by a surface active local anesthetic benzocaine, spasmolytic - alkaloids belladonna (Atropa belladonnae L.). Indications spasms of smooth muscles of the digestive tract, biliary tract spasm, hypersecretory gastritis, hypersalivation. Dosage regimen for adults designate the interior of 1 tablet 3 times a day.

Pills swallowed without chewing, drinking 200 ml of water.

Used only in patients aged over 14 years. Bellastezin designed for short symptomatic therapy, therefore, duration of treatment set individually.

If symptoms persist for 3-5 days, it is necessary to decide whether further use of the drug.
Contraindications Hypersensitivity to benzocaine, herb medicines and other components of the drug;
stenosing diseases of the digestive tract;
atony of the intestines, atonic constipation;
Acute ulcerative colitis;
mechanical bowel obstruction;
pronounced atherosclerosis;
acute bleeding;
myasthenia gravis;
glaucoma or suspected glaucoma;
benign prostatic hyperplasia;
age 14 years.

Side effect

Bellastezin generally well tolerated, but sometimes you have the following side effects.
CNS: headache, dizziness, nervousness, drowsiness, agitation (particularly in older patients), weakness, sleep disturbances, ataxia (ataxia), speech disorder.
From the digestive tract: dry mouth, loss of taste, anorexia, constipation.
On the part of the vision: mydriasis.
From the CVS: tachycardia.

Other: may cause allergic reactions.

Pregnancy and lactation

Cautions use during pregnancy is only possible if the expected benefit to the mother justifies the potential risk to the fetus. During the period of drug treatment is recommended to stop breast-feeding.

The drug is not recommended to take entities whose activities require a high concentration, speed of mental and physical reactions. Clinical data on efficacy and safety of the drug in children under the age of 14 are not available, so apply Bellastezin patients in this age group is not recommended.

Drug Interactions

Bellastezin reduces the antibacterial activity of sulfonamides. Amantadine and quinidine Bellastezina enhance the effect.

While the application Bellastezina with opioid analgesics and drugs depressing the central nervous system, possibly threatening CNS depression;
with haloperidol and organic nitrates - increased intraocular pressure, with SCS for systemic use - reduces the effect of corticosteroids and may increase intraocular pressure;
M-holinoblokatorami - enhanced anticholinergic effect;
with furosemide - possible orthostatic hypotension.

Reserpine, MAO inhibitors, guanetidin, antacid, ascorbic acid, attapulgite reduces the effect of Bellastezina.

While the application Bellastezina with antihistamines antihistamine increases the effect of c-adrenergic blockers - reduces the effect of the latter; with hormonal contraception - contraceptive effect is reduced, with nonselective inhibitors of reverse neuronal capture of monoamines - increased sedative effect. Bellastezin reduces the effect of NSAIDs, griseofulvin, digitoksina, doxycycline, ketoconazole, metoclopramide, metronidazole, enhances the effect of indapamide, nizatidina.

While the application Bellastezina with preparations containing potassium, possibly ulcers in the intestine.


Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, tachyarrhythmias, myocardial ischemia, impotence, suppression of lactation, allergic reactions, hyperthermia, decreased sweating. Treatment - symptomatic.

Storage conditions and expiration dates

In a dry, dark place for up to 25 ° C.

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