
Impotence: How to Prevent It?

For people who are at risk of impotence, the adoption of active measures to prevent its occurrence will not only help preserve erectile function, but also to maintain a healthy lifestyle in general. Some steps you can take to prevent impotence include:

  •  Quitting smoking
  •  Regular exercise
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  •  Revise your medications with your doctor and determine replacements for drugs that can cause impotence (never stop taking prescribed medications without consulting first with your doctor) 
  • Acceptance of prescription drugs according to the doctor's instructions 
  • Avoiding excessive alcohol consumption (no more than two drinks per day) 
  • Rejection of illicit drugs 
  • In cases where the presence of chronic diseases such as diabetes or kidney disease, follow your doctor's instructions to keep these diseases under control.

What is impotence (erectile dysfunction)?

Impotence is the inability to cause and maintain a penile erection sufficient for normal sexual relations with a partner. Such a condition is not normal at any age and is treated separately from other problems in the genital area, such as a lack of sexual desire and problems with ejaculation and orgasm.

How common is impotence?

According to the National Institutes of Health, approximately 5% of forty years, and from 15 to 25% of sixty-five men regularly suffer from impotence.

A much more common problem faced by most men at some stage in their lives, are isolated cases of inability to achieve an erection. This may happen for many reasons, for example, excessive alcohol or severe fatigue.

The inability to achieve an erection in their hundred twenty cases is not something supernatural and requires treatment only in rare cases. At the same time, the inability to achieve an erection in their hundred and fifty cases, usually an indicator of a problem that requires appropriate treatment.

What causes impotence?

Achieving an erection must be preceded by three things: the nerves leading to the penis should function normally, the blood supply to the penis should be the norm, from the brain must do the appropriate signal. Violation of any of these conditions makes it impossible to achieve a full erection.

Some of the common causes of impotence include: diseases that affect blood flow, such as atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), nervous diseases, psychological factors such as stress, depression, and fear of possible failure, contusion penis. Chronic illness, certain medications, and Peyronie's disease (scar tissue in the penis) can also cause impotence.

Is it possible to prevent the occurrence of impotence?

People at risk of causing impotence as a result of their own behavior, for example, due to excessive alcohol consumption, can be taken to prevent its occurrence. However dysfunction caused by other reasons, can not be prevented.

Which specialists treat impotence?

Specialty doctor who treats impotence, will depend on the cause of the problem. Based on the medical history of your family, and your medical history and your current health status of the attending physician may prescribe you medication pills, such as Viagra or similar medications. If that does not work, he may refer you to a urologist for an examination or a psychologist.

What do I do if I have a problem with calling / maintaining an erection?

If you think you have erectile dysfunction, see your doctor. He will be able to carry out the necessary tests to identify the causes of the disorder or redirect you to a specialist. After you determine the cause, you can resort to various methods of treatment.

How does impotence treat oneself? 

There are many different methods of treatment of impotence, including treatment pills, seksoterapiyu, injections in a penis, suppozitorii, vacuum pumps and surgical interference. Every method of treatment has the advantages and failings. you will appeal to the doctor, to choose on your own the optimum method of treatment. 

What kind of insurance covers treatment of impotence?

Insurance coverage of treatment of impotence depends on the type of the prescribed treatment. If there is the documentarily confirmed medical testimony, defiant impotence, insurance covers usually, at least, part of facilities on treatments. At the same time seksoterapiya and charges on medicinal treatment, not getting approval of Management on control after products and medications, not covered usually. you will appeal to the insurance agent, to know, whether there will be your treatment it is covered insurance.



Treatment of hepatitis A

In most cases, the virus goes away on its own, but in the course of treatment using medicines. Home treatment can relieve symptoms and prevent the spread of hepatitis A.
  • Reduce Activity
Limit your activity to a level that will meet your reserve of energy. Do not lie in bed, as this can slow down the healing process. Do not work or study, as long as the load does not meet your forces. Until full recovery, avoid heavy loads. If you feel better, return to usual activities gradually. If you go back to the old rhythm of life too early, it may aggravate the disease.
  • Eat right
Even if you have no appetite, it's important to eat right. Replace the three-volume eating small but frequent. In most cases, nausea and loss of appetite do not bother to evening. Try to eat more in the morning and late at night less.For people who suffer from hepatitis, doctors used to recommend high-calorie, high-protein diet. But to date, it is not considered useful, such food can be hard if you experience nausea. Try to balance the diet and avoid foods that you like.
  • Avoid dehydration
At the time of disease for hepatitis A is very important to conserve water balance, especially with vomiting. Drink lots of water. A good option as are fruit juices and broths, as they added calories, of course, if the body can endure them. Many sports drinks are available in the store, can refill the necessary electrolytes that are lost by vomiting.
  • Avoid alcohol and drugs
Hepatitis А virus reduces the possibility of the liver breaks down some medications and alcohol. If you take drugs (legal and illegal) or alcohol at the time of hepatitis, their side effects may be more intense and occur over a longer period. In addition, alcohol and some medications can aggravate liver damage.The physician should be aware that all medicines you are taking, are made from natural raw materials. Do not use any medicine without doctor's consent. Discuss with your doctor when you can drink alcohol in moderation.
  • Try to control itching
In some cases people suffering from hepatitis, itchy skin. To control it, you can apply the medication sold without a prescription, such as Benadryl or Chlor-trimenol. Use this product according to instructions and discontinue their use in the event of side effects. Before using any medication, consult your doctor.Symptoms of hepatitis A begin to take place in two weeks, but the man is a messenger of infection to full recovery, as the entire period of the disease is a virus in the stool.
  • Prevent infection with hepatitis A virus after contact with him
If you have had contact with someone who is ill with hepatitis A, go get a vaccination or injection of immune globulin within two weeks after exposure to the virus.

Fatty liver disease contributes to the development of diabetes.

The accumulation of fat in liver cells may increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, regardless of the amount of fat in the body and other parts of the insulin concentration.Fatty liver occurs in about one-third of the adult population. In some cases, this disease leads to irreversible liver damage or liver failure. Fatty liver disease (ZHBP) is often associated with alcoholic liver disease, but it can also occur for other reasons.
Investigators argue that fatty liver is often appears simultaneously with other risk factors of diabetes, such as obesity and insulin resistance, so physicians difficult to determine whether ZHBP itself a risk marker for diabetes.Scientists conducted the study in Korea with the participation of 11,091 adults. The levels of insulin and liver function were measured at baseline in 2003 and then again five years later.At baseline, 27% of the participants suffered from fatty infiltration of the liver, as shown by ultrasound. Nearly two-thirds of them also were overweight or obese. As a result, the researchers found that 4% of people with ZHBP developed type 2 diabetes compared with 1% in those who did not suffer ZHBP.After adjusting for insulin resistance in the beginning of the study, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes still remained high. Furthermore, regardless of insulin resistance in early studies ZHBP people had more risk factors for diabetes such as high blood glucose and disruption of normal cholesterol levels.

What is hepatitis A?

Hepatitis A - is a viral infection of the liver. In most cases it extends itself and causing chronic diseases.Other forms of the virus (hepatitis B and C) also induce hepatitis. 
Hepatitis A - the most common form of the disease.

How is it spread hepatitis A?
This disease is caused by hepatitis A virus, which is located in the stool of infected humans. It is transmitted by the use of food or drinks that are in contact with the infected stool.
Sometimes a group of people can become infected with hepatitis A during a dinner at the restaurant. This can happen if the restaurant worker who is sick with the disease, did not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet and started cooking.
This disease can also be spread in day care centers for children, if workers do not wash their hands thoroughly after changing diapers.
Sometimes it is possible to increase the risk of contracting hepatitis A. This can happen if you eat raw oysters and clams are not well progotovlennye. If you are traveling to a country where hepatitis A is a common disease, it can reduce the chances of contracting the disease if you do not use neprogotovlennuyu food and unboiled tap water.

Symptoms of hepatitis A 

Diagnosis of hepatitis A

The doctor asks about symptoms, the food that you ate, and the countries you've visited. If the doctor suspects that you have a virus, it can offer a blood test. It will show if there is inflammation of the liver and hepatitis A virus antibodies These antibodies indicate that you have been exposed to the virus.
Avoid actions that can transmit the virus to others. Tell the people with whom you live, or with whom you have had sexual contact that you have hepatitis A. Wash your hands with soap and water every time you visit the toilet or after changing diapers, and before preparing food.
Hepatitis A goes away on its own. You can speed up the healing process by eating lots of water and healthy food.
Unlike other forms of hepatitis, this form of the disease does not cause chronic liver disease and its serious damage. Most people recover within a few months.
If you have hepatitis A, reduce their activities as long as you do not go back to the force. When you feel better, you can get back to normal life. Do not try to return to usual activities until recovery, as the disease may be exacerbated.
Hepatitis A - a disease you can get sick once. After that, the body produces immunity to it.

Prevention of hepatitis A

You can protect yourself against hepatitis A by getting the vaccine. Vaccination is carried out in two stages. If you get two injections prior to infection, they will be 100% effective. Also available is a combination vaccine against hepatitis A and B.U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends vaccination against hepatitis A in children aged one year.If you know that you are in contact with someone who is ill with hepatitis A vaccine or immune globulin injection may prevent infection by the disease. Obtain injected during the first two weeks after exposure to the virus.

Symptoms of hepatitis A

Symptoms of hepatitis A usually appear within 15-50 days after the first exposure to the virus of hepatitis A. They appear within four weeks. In most cases, symptoms are mild and can be invisible in children under six years of age. In older children and adults, early symptoms can be similar to symptoms of viral intestinal infection. Possible symptoms include:
  • Weakness
  • HeatMyalgia
  • Headache
  • Pain in the right side under the edge (where the liver is)
  • Nausea
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss
  • Yellow tinge to the skin and whites of the eyes (jaundice), which is also accompanied by dark urine and yellow-tinged stools. Jaundice is less common in children and adolescents.
About 15% of people who were sick with hepatitis, experienced symptoms of hepatitis B infection during or after six or nine months after the first signs of infection. The infection is usually first appears sharper, but then can manifest arthritis. After an illness, people in most cases returned to normal. In rare cases, it may develop cholestatic hepatitis, which causes itching and can last for the entire period of the disease.
Basically, before symptoms of the virus in the stool decreases. The patient is still spreading the virus, but less so after the onset of symptoms.Symptoms of hepatitis A occur within two months.

Those facing prostatitis?

Prostatitis - is the most prevalent of urologic diseases. At risk are confirmed bachelor, office workers, and men older than 35 years.The only way to protect yourself from unpleasant complications of prostatitis - an annual checkups at the urologist in order to timely detect and treat the disease, and receiving bio-regulators of prostate cancer - natural products that protect against prostate inflammation.

Bachelors in danger.
Great risk of developing prostatitis in men who do not keep a regular sex life. In the prostate are tiny tubules that produce a special secret, which is part of semen. Content is released into the prostate ducts genito-urinary tract during ejaculation. Therefore, the absence of regular ejaculations and erectile dysfunction, ejaculation does not end can lead to stagnation of secretion and the development of inflammation of the prostate gland.

Lot - does not mean good.
However, excessive "faithfulness", especially the frequent change of sexual partner in the health plan also does not bode well - one of the major risk factors for chronic prostatitis - is transferred (and especially untreated) urethritis - a disease transmitted through sexual contact. Among the best known gonorrhea urethritis. However, this disease is so pronounced symptoms that rarely goes unnoticed. However, in recent years, so-called spread nonspecific urethritis, urinary tract inflammation, which are caused by viruses or other microorganisms. Most manifestations of urethritis are less pronounced than for gonorrhea. Therefore, there is a risk that the man did not notice the slight burning sensation when urinating and "pulling" pain in the abdomen, which ultimately will result in chronic urethritis.In addition, non-specific urethritis in women can occur with little or no symptoms and the infection can "pick up" even through unprotected sex with a regular partner.

Office problems.
The probability of getting sick and prostatitis in men, spending much of his time in a sitting position. Today at risk, alas, gets most of the professions, from programmers and office workers to professional drivers. When we sit, blood circulation in the pelvic organs somewhat worse. Over time, this leads to difficulty of venous outflow of blood, swelling and inflammation of the prostate.

Therefore, all men, leading a sedentary lifestyle is useful to do special exercises that improve blood flow to the pelvic organs - should involve the anus muscles, keep them busy for a few seconds, then relax. This exercise should be done every hour for a few dozen times (it would seem that it is almost impossible, but very soon the habit, and the exercises are performed almost automatically.) In addition to the above exercise should not try not to forget about once an hour warm-up for a few minutes.

At risk for prostatitis and men suffering from varicose veins (this is predominantly "female" disease, but occurs in men). Varicose and blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

Coffee and Cigarettes
One of the major risk factors for prostatitis - smoking and alcohol abuse, strong coffee and greasy, spicy and fried food. Their decomposition products irritate the genito-urinary tract, increasing the risk of prostatitis.
Keep your feet warm.
Under the threat of men, often gets cold and with chronic inflammation. A constant source of inflammation in the body increases the risk of inflammation of the prostate gland. Furthermore, in the "at risk" are all men aged over 35 years.Bullish prostate and lion heart .
However, the risk of prostatitis can be significantly reduced if from time to time to start taking preventive purposes Bioregulators prostate cancer. This class of pharmaceutical drugs of natural origin (of the active pharmaceutical ingredient - extract from prostate bull), designed for long term use.
Their action is based on the fact that the delivery of biologically active substances from a healthy animal prostate recovers improves metabolism in the human prostate, preventing the development of disease.
We Bioregulators prostate no side effects and contraindications, so they can be used without a doctor's prescription. Such preparations are available in the form of injections and suppositories, it is clear that the prophylactic use should be chosen precisely candles.

For example, candles Prostatilen Zinc addition to extracts from prostate bull contains a complex of zinc and vitamin E. Zinc is vital for the normal functioning of the prostate, helps to maintain the integrity of sperm, increases sex drive. Zinc deficiency leads to impotence, the regression of male sex glands and testes. And vitamin E is essential for the normal absorption of zinc, without a trace element present simply not be acquired in addition has an antioxidant effect, supports the biological activity of sperm. Some types of male infertility is associated with lack of zinc in the diet or problems with his assimilation.

Therefore Prostatilen Zinc has a complex effect on the prostate, effectively preventing the development of inflammation and cancer growth, and at the same time preventing the development, prostatitis often associated sexual dysfunction, as well as used for the prevention and treatment of male infertility.

Prostatitis and impotence

Prostatitis - disease spread almost like a common cold. According to statistics, about 50% of men at least once in life ill with inflammation of the prostate gland. In addition, the disease is quite "unpleasant," one of the most frequent complications of prostatitis - premature ejaculation and potency disorders.

What is prostatitis?

Prostatitis, or simply put, an inflammation of the prostate - is the most common disease of the urogenital system in men. The causes of prostatitis are many: it is an infection caused by bacteria transferred venereal diseases, hypothermia, sedentary lifestyle ... Most prostate arises from a combination of several factors. However, with whatever was associated prostatitis, inflammation of the prostate gland is manifested in the feeling of heaviness and dull abdominal pain and problems with urination, especially in the morning. If, immediately after the appearance of these symptoms, seek medical advice and do not start treatment, prostate can become chronic. After some time, the symptoms subside "by themselves", but fuzzy prostatitis will periodically be felt exacerbations. Furthermore, at this stage of the disease may develop one of the most unpleasant complications of the disease - erectile dysfunction.Prostatitis - the first step to impotence. The most common erectile dysfunction occurs in chronic prostatitis caused by a bacterial infection, but such a complication can occur in any type of prostatitis, regardless of the cause of the disease. According to statistics, from problems with premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction affects up to 30% of men with chronic prostatitis. At that erectile dysfunction in prostate grows gradually, over many years. First, there is a premature ejaculation, then it is added to the actual erection problems, and then emerges and decreased libido - that is sexual activity. There are a number of reasons that contribute to the development of sexual problems in the prostate. The first - the so-called violation of the neuro-humoral regulation. As an erection, and the activities of the prostate is regulated by a complex mix of hormones and nerve impulses in the brain that is involved, and the nerves leading to the muscles and blood vessels of the pelvic organs. Therefore, the violation of the regulation of neuro-inflammation of the prostate gland can "recoil" and erections.
Furthermore, chronic prostatitis in certain cases lead to abnormalities in muscle in the lower part of the pelvis, while participating in erection.
Do not forget about the purely psychological factors. Symptoms of prostatitis such as persistent pain in the lower abdomen and urinary problems can cause fear of failure on the love front, a sense of weakness and old age (which is especially true for men who are experiencing "midlife crisis"), and this, of course, also affects the potency is not the best way. 

Features of treatment

However, whatever was called erectile dysfunction, it is necessary to remember that, regardless of age and the reasons that led to problems with potency, this condition can be cured. The main thing - do not be ashamed to admit to himself in the problem and seek medical advice.
Most often the treatment of erectile dysfunction associated with chronic prostatitis is comprehensive: it is the treatment of the underlying disease, psychotherapy and the appointment of the so-called PDE-5 inhibitors, drugs that cause increased blood flow to the genitals. However, be aware that these drugs have a number of dangerous side effects, so they can be taken only on prescription in the recommended doses it! Very well established as the treatment for erectile dysfunction associated with chronic prostatitis, and so-called Bioregulators prostate cancer, such as candles Prostatilen Zinc. The main advantage of this tool is that the main active ingredient of the drug - Prostatilen (this extract from bovine prostate) combined in a complex with zinc and vitamin E itself has prostatilen Organotropnye effect on the prostate gland, improves microcirculation, has anti-inflammatory action. Zinc - is a trace mineral that is vital for maintaining potency and normal semen quality (not for nothing that a suspected male infertility is one of the first analyzes of the concentration of zinc in semen). Zinc prevents the development of good and malignant processes in the prostate gland, helps to preserve the integrity of the sperm increases the sex drive is a factor of the immune defense. Zinc deficiency leads to regression of the male sex glands and testicles, reduced sperm count and other abnormalities. Therefore, problems with potency that is often associated with lack of zinc in the diet.
A vitamin E is needed for normal digestion of zinc - zinc without it just does not learn. In addition, Vitamin E maintains biological activity of spermatozoa.
Thus Prostatilen Zinc treating erectile dysfunction in a complex: it eliminates the causes associated with prostatitis, and contributes to improving the overall potency.
By the way, the very creation of this drug is associated with the legend. Prostatilen Zinc was developed in the late 80s. in the Leningrad Military Medical Academy, a scientific institution, which in those days were collected the best physicians of the country. It was found that the combination of extracts from prostate bull with zinc and vitamin E acts much better than just one hood. At the time, the collapse of the country is not allowed to start production of military development, and only today Prostatilen Zinc production was set up at the Kharkov plant "Lekhim." However, since the development of the past years, the drug did not prevent Prostatilen-Zinc to become one of the most reliable and safe for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Healthy eating has become the female value

U.S. company to sell organic products surveyed 1,500 women and received unexpected results: 61% of Americans believe that a healthy body is more important than a healthy relationship.It turned out that now many are paying attention to a healthy lifestyle, nutrition, diet include superfoods. The diet took the first place in the list of values ​​in life.It is therefore not surprising that 70% of respondents would be willing to exchange good grades at the child on the correct diet. 60% considered: a healthy diet is more important than saving money. When it came to clothes, 83% to easily choose a healthy body, but not perfect wardrobe. And 54% said they would be better to eat right than have a chance at something in this life.Modern women understand how important it is to eat healthy foods. But it appears that for many it is, almost the most important thing in life.

I notice a decrease in erection - what do I do?

Constantly changing, and not in a positive way, growth statistics the problem of erectile dysfunction, can not remain indifferent doctors. Medical professionals have long been sounding the alarm bell in an attempt to attract men's attention to the fact that the potency problems are not a joke and the highly publicized "horror story." Men's carelessness and specific attitude towards their health complement the already bleak picture.

Doctors are sounding the alarm ...

Continuing studies and surveys conducted among the male population, clearly revealed the dimensions and the danger of erectile dysfunction. Regardless of the place of residence, region, and traditional way of life, erectile dysfunction begin to pursue a growing number of men. This kind of problem can not and should not remain in the shadows, and do not receive adequate coverage. That's why medical practitioners in the field of men's health and have created a web site "UaMen", entirely devoted to men's health. On the resource everyone can get complete and accurate information about intimate issues first hand.

Is the problem of erectile dysfunction so serious?

The problem of erectile dysfunction today touched a huge layer of the male population. Polls confirm the findings of physicians, and point to the fact that almost half of the men anyway faced with erectile dysfunction, such as the fall of its hardness or decrease in the time duration of an erection. As a result - there is a dissatisfaction with their sex lives. And, of course, we should not ignore the latest research on the causes of erectile dysfunction and its impact on the body of men in general. Quite often, the loss of male power is not an isolated problem, and one of the signs of a more serious condition, such as diabetes, cardiovascular failure, atherosclerosis.

Why at the present level of medicine erectile dysfunction is so common?

It would seem, what difficulties may arise in the prevention and treatment of erectile dysfunction at the present level of development of modern medicine? First, the main problem is always in the plane of the male psychology. The stubborn refusal to accept the fact of men have problems with erection causes the disease that goes into the stage of "neglect" and treat it is much more difficult.Secondly, a lot of bad habits, promotes erectile dysfunction. The most detrimental effect on the potency of tobacco smoking, alcohol, drugs and food high in cholesterol.Third, the failure to comply with the requirements of medical men, especially after surgeries, or neglect to receive the recommendations of pharmacological agents.Fourth, and this is quite tangible and important problem - lack of awareness of the male population. As a consequence, a complete disregard for preventing disease, which complicates the lives of not only the patient, but also the work of a doctor who takes the already "running" event.

What to do?

I want to enjoy the joy of a long intimate relationshipIn more detail, not only on the basic factors of erectile dysfunction, but also with other components of the problem can be found on a dedicated resource "UaMen." Anonymous a consultation and to be informed, and therefore protected. On the Internet site "UaMen" answers given by practitioners, urologists, sexologists, people, every day faced with the problem of erectile dysfunction while taking patients. The most reliable and complete information on the resource, designed to help a man get timely answers and know exactly what should be taken at the first signs of erectile dysfunction.