
Symptoms of hepatitis A

Symptoms of hepatitis A usually appear within 15-50 days after the first exposure to the virus of hepatitis A. They appear within four weeks. In most cases, symptoms are mild and can be invisible in children under six years of age. In older children and adults, early symptoms can be similar to symptoms of viral intestinal infection. Possible symptoms include:
  • Weakness
  • HeatMyalgia
  • Headache
  • Pain in the right side under the edge (where the liver is)
  • Nausea
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss
  • Yellow tinge to the skin and whites of the eyes (jaundice), which is also accompanied by dark urine and yellow-tinged stools. Jaundice is less common in children and adolescents.
About 15% of people who were sick with hepatitis, experienced symptoms of hepatitis B infection during or after six or nine months after the first signs of infection. The infection is usually first appears sharper, but then can manifest arthritis. After an illness, people in most cases returned to normal. In rare cases, it may develop cholestatic hepatitis, which causes itching and can last for the entire period of the disease.
Basically, before symptoms of the virus in the stool decreases. The patient is still spreading the virus, but less so after the onset of symptoms.Symptoms of hepatitis A occur within two months.

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