
Immunoglobulin human normal

Mode of action:
Human Ig, contains a wide range opsoniziruyuschih and neutralizing antibodies against bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. Replenishes missing antibodies class IgG, reduces the risk of infections in patients with primary and secondary immunodeficiency.

For i / m administration - Emergency prevention of measles, hepatitis A, pertussis, polio, meningococcal disease, increased nonspecific resistance. For iv administration - primary immunodeficiency, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, Kawasaki disease, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, HIV, severe bacterial and toxic and viral infections (including postoperative complications, accompanied by sepsis), dermatomyositis, Guillain-Barre syndrome giperimmunoglobulinemii E, Eaton-Lambert syndrome, multiple sclerosis, infections caused by parvovirus B19, chronic inflammatory polyneuropathy with demilienizatsiya. Prevention and treatment of infections in newborns, premature babies, children with low birthweight.

Hypersensitivity (including to maltose and sucrose), immunodeficiency IgA.C caution. decompensated chronic heart failure, diabetes, renal failure, pregnancy, lactation.

Side effects:
Headache, dizziness, migraine pain, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, increased or decreased blood pressure, tachycardia, cyanosis, fever, shortness of breath, or feeling of compression of the chest pain, allergic reactions. Rarely - marked reduction of blood pressure, collapse, loss of consciousness, pyrexia, chills, sweating, fatigue, malaise, back pain, myalgia, numbness, fever, or feeling cold, aseptic meningitis, acute renal tubular necrosis. Local reactions: seldom - flushing of the skin at the injection site.

Dosage and administration:
V / m. Prevention of measles. From 3 months who had not suffered measles and unvaccinated, no later than 4 days after contact with patients: children - 1.5 or 3 ml (depending on health status and time since exposure), adults - 3 ml dose. Prevention of poliomyelitis. Unvaccinated or not passed a full course of vaccinations to children as early as possible after contact with patients with the paralytic form of polio - 3-6 ml dose. Prevention of hepatitis A. Children 1-6 years - 0.75 ml, 7-10 years - 1.5 ml, over 10 years and adults - 3 ml dose, re-introduction of the evidence not earlier than 2 months. Prevention and treatment of influenza. Children under 2 years - 1.5 ml, 2-7 years - 3 ml, older than 7 years and adults - 4.5-6 ml dose. In severe forms of influenza showed the reintroduction of 24-48 hours prevention of pertussis. Had not suffered whooping cough children - to 3 ml twice with an interval of 24 h. Prevention of meningococcal disease. Children from 6 months to 7 years, not later than 7 days after contact with patients with generalized form of infection (regardless of serogroup agent) - 1 ml (up to 3 years) or 3 ml (over 3 years). V / in. Children are introduced at 3-4 ml / kg (not more than 25 ml) in / drip at a rate 8-10 drops / min every day for 3-5 days. Immediately prior to the introduction of dilute 0.9% NaCl solution or 5% dextrose. Adults injected undiluted preparation of 25-50 ml / to drip at a rate of up to 40 drops / min. The treatment consists of 3-10 infusions produced within 1-3 days. In the primary immunodeficiency - at 200-400 mg / kg (4-8 ml / kg) 1 time per month, if necessary - 2 times a month. In idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura - 400 mg / kg 1 time a day, in the absence of an adequate effect within 5 days, and periodically as necessary with the introduction of an additional dose of the same quantity. In Kawasaki disease (as adjuvant) - 2 g / kg, once with a simultaneous appointment ASA - 100 mg / kg daily to reduce the body temperature, then - at 3-5 mg / kg for 6-8 weeks in the absence of violations of the coronary arteries.

Penetrates into breast milk and may facilitate the transfer of protective antibodies to the newborn. For manufacturing use plasma from healthy donors, which were not detected antibodies to HIV types 1 and 2, hepatitis C virus surface antigen and hepatitis B virus, and the activity of transaminases did not exceed normal values. Temporary increase of antibodies in the blood after the introduction of false positive results in the data analysis for serological study (Coombs' reaction). Immunoglobulins for i / m administration is forbidden to enter into / in. After the drug administration should monitor the condition of the patient at least 30 minutes. Persons suffering from systemic diseases (diseases of blood, connective tissue, glomerulonephritis, etc.) and diseases of the immune system, Ig should be administered on a background of appropriate therapy and monitoring functions of the respective systems. When introducing the first 2 weeks after vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella vaccinations these vaccines should be repeated not earlier than 3 months. Do not exceed the rate of in / out of the introduction of the possibility of collaptoid reactions. During pregnancy impose strict indications only when the intended benefits to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

Introduction Ig can relax (for 1.5-3 months) the effect of live vaccines against viral diseases such as measles, rubella, mumps and varicella (grafting these vaccines should be repeated not earlier than 3 months). After the injection of large doses of Ig its effect can last in some cases up to one year. A temporary increase in the content imposed by antibodies in the blood after administration of Ig may cause the false-positive results of serological tests. Do not use concurrently with calcium gluconate in infants.

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